
Form a number from the digits 0 to 9 such that the first digit is divisible by one, the first two digits form a number that is divisible by two, and so forth. Prove also that this number is unique.


Let each of the digits in the number be represented by a letter so that the number is: abcdefghij

First of all, we can see that ab/2, abcd/4, abcdef/6, abcdefgh/8, and abcdefghij/10 are integers, therefore, b, d, f, h, and j are all even. Since we only have five even digits (0, 2, 4, 6, and 8), a, c, e, g, and i are all odd digits. Furthermore, knowing that certain parts of the number are divisible by certain numbers gives us the following constraints:

  1. a/1 is an integer tells us nothing.
  2. ab/2 is an integer tells us that b is even.
  3. abc/3 is an integer tells us that (a+b+c)/3 is an integer.
  4. abcd/4 is an integer tells us that cd/4 is also an integer and d is even. Since c is odd, d must be 2 or 6.
  5. abcde/5 is an integer tells us that e MUST be 5.
  6. abcdef/6 is an integer tells us that (a+b+c+d+e+f)/3 is an integer and that f is even.
  7. abcdefg/7 is an integer can be used later.
  8. abcdefgh/8 is an integer tells us that fgh/8 is an integer and h must be 2 or 6 since g is odd.
  9. abcdefghi/9 is an integer tells us that (a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h+i)/9 is an integer.
  10. abcdefghij/10 is an integer tells us that j MUST be 0.

Constraint 9 tells us nothing since constraint 10 states that j is 0, and the sum of the remaining digits is divisible by nine.

From constraints 4 and 5, the only possible values for the digits d and e are

de = 25 or 65.

Combining constraints 3 and 6 we see that (d+e+f)/3 must be an integer and that f is even. Thus,

de = 25 implies f = 8.
de = 65 implies f = 4.

This gives us two possible cases:

def = 258 or 654.

Using constraint 8, we can see that

def = 258 implies gh = 16 or 96.
def = 654 implies gh = 32 or 72.

Now we have four possibilities that satisfy constraints 4, 5, 6, and 8:

defgh = 25816, 25896, 65432, or 65472.

Notice that in all 4 cases, 2 and 6 are used. Thus b = 4 or 8.

Now using constraint 3 with the above constraints leaves us with a number of possibilities for abc:

abc = 147, 183, 189, 381, 741, 789, 981, or 987.

Even with the above constraints, this gives us ten possibilities for the first eight digits:

abcdefgh = 14725896, 18365472, 18965432, 18965472, 38165472, 74125696, 78965432, 98165432, 98165472, or 98765432.

However, we can use constraint 7, and see that only

abcdefg = 3816547 is divisible by 7.

Thus the final answer is 3816547290. Furthermore, this is a unique answer.

Smaller Numbers

This problem can also be stated for numbers with less than ten digits. We will not go into the details of a complete solution for these situations, but will list the answers below. We will leave the solution (using the constraints stated above) up to the reader.

  1. 1
  2. 12
  3. 123, 321
  4. none
  5. none
  6. 123654, 321654
  7. none
  8. 38165472
  9. 381654729
  10. 3816547290

Monday, March 30, 2015 @ 21:03:55 EDT

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