
As you read your short report, or any other astrological report, keep in mind that the energies interpreted here are your birth potentials. However, you may or may not choose to actualize these energies in the manner described. Your age, sex, socio-economic situation, education, environment, level of development, and many other factors contribute to the ways in which you express your natal energies. Remember, the planets do not compel you to do or be anything. They influence you, but you still have the free will to determine your own life.

Ascendant in Aries

With this position you are likely to be quite aggressive in relationships. You tend to take the lead in exploring and developing the relationship.

Your main concern is to get to the essence, physical or emotional, of the affair. Physical foreplay is not so important to you, but you should try not to be impatient with your lover in this.

This position makes you stand out in a room full of people. But for a permanent partner, you should find someone who is quieter and more reticent in order to balance your dominant tendencies.

You are best suited to someone who will let you take the initiative.

Sun in Cancer

You tend to be self-protective in your relationships or, if you are highly motivated, you may look for just the opposite - selfless, sometimes too self-denying, emotional entanglements.

Probably you will keep your really meaningful relationships quite private, so that the outside world is unlikely to know what is really going on in your emotional life.

The physical care and well-being of your lover are very important to you, and you may be generous to the point of lavishness.

With the Sun in Cancer you want to surround and envelop a lover, so you should find someone who is not too independent, someone who won't be annoyed by your constant small tokens of affection.

It is very important for you to balance your emotional life carefully, so that you are neither too closed off from others nor too open.

Sun in the Fourth House

You express your love as much through the surroundings you create as through physical sexuality. For this reason you will generally take a lover only after the two of you have become fast friends.

You are much more at ease when you can make love in familiar surroundings that you can control. This may be partly because of some natural insecurity, but it is just as much because for you, giving love includes much more than the physical act.

Therefore, you would be wise to look for a lover whose idea of a good time is an intimate evening at home rather than someone who likes to paint the town red.

Moon in Cancer

You have a very sympathetic nature, and you are always willing to listen to someone's problems and sorrows. While you are young, you may be very involved with people who are in emotional difficulties, which can be a great drain on your personal strength.

You will derive great satisfaction from helping and comforting a troubled lover, which is fine as long as you can avoid letting your partner's problems overwhelm the whole relationship.

Once you have established a relationship, although the quality and nature of your love may fluctuate considerably, it will never die.

Moon in the Third House

You usually express your loving feelings verbally, and you should not hesitate to let your lover know just how you feel.

It is also a good idea to talk out personal problems extensively with your lover, because for you, that is the best way to deal successfully with them.

Indeed, words may be your primary method of transmitting love and understanding at all levels. In any intimate situation, your words of love and encouragement will heighten the sexual experience, so don't hold back.

Your best relationship with a lover is one that is chummy and casual, with much of the intimate informality of a brother-sister relationship.

Venus in Leo

This position indicates that you have a generous helping of desire and a healthy sexual appetite.

Your taste runs to all-over-the-body sensuality rather than to localized tastes.

You aren't concerned with impressive accouterments; you just want pleasure to be readily available.

If there is any drawback to this position, it is that you demand high standards and will not stand for stinginess or boredom.

Venus in the Sixth House

You appreciate well-crafted lovemaking, and you admire a lover who works at improving your relationship and refining the gentle art of love.

Although you and your partner should be equal within the relationship, equality is not necessarily your ideal in lovemaking itself. You may be particularly pleased by a lover who serves you or, on the other hand, one whom you serve and obey sexually.

Note: Venus is technically near the end of house 5 and is therefore interpreted in house 6.

Mars in Taurus

You take a while to warm up to lovemaking, but once in gear, you sustain a steady and unfaltering pace that allows plenty of time for full sexual expression. You should give careful consideration to your lover's rhythms and timing so that you do not either wear out or exasperate your partner.

Your regular sexual drive needs consistent outlets to keep in balance, so you are best off with a regular partner.

You are quite frank in your expression of affection, and you need a partner who does not intellectualize love too much but encourages you to manifest it directly in a manner that you both understand without words.

Mars in the First House

Your sexual energies are quite direct and are not likely to become confused or sublimated into other areas.

You probably have a good deal of stamina in sexuality, as in other physical pursuits, and you don't tire easily. For that reason, you would do well to match yourself to a lover of similar energy and inclination.

You may be impatient in matters of love, wanting to get on with the affair with a minimum of talk or banter. That is an honest reflection of your feelings, but you should avoid being too hasty; often the delays before a relationship is consummated give you time to think twice about whether you really want to commit yourself to that particular lover.

Text by John Townley Copyright © Astrodienst AG 2000

Monday, March 30, 2015 @ 21:04:19 EDT

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