The original script can be found here, although I've modified the code somewhat to correct for bugs and for formatting purposes. I still need to make this thing work faster, and to work without javascript.
Not all of these games are complete, and I'm missing dates, places, and names for some of my matches. Unfortunately, I have no other resources to draw upon, so some games were corrected according to my best guess(es).
Event: Ontario High School Chess Championship
Venue: Scarborough College
Round: 4
Board: 47
White: Aiken Vanspuk
Black: QYV
Move | White | Black |
1 | e2-e4 | e7-e5 |
2 | Ng1-f3 | Nb8-c6 |
3 | Bf1-c4 | d7-d6 |
4 | h2-h3 | f7-f5 |
5 | Nb1-c3 | Ng8-f6 |
6 | Qd1-e2 | f5xe4 |
7 | Nc3xe4 | Bc8-f5 |
8 | d2-d3 | h7-h6 |
9 | c2-c3 | Bf8-e7 |
10 | Nf3-h4 | Qd8-d7 |
11 | Ne4xf6 | Be7xf6 |
12 | Qe2-h5+ | g7-g6 |
13 | Nh4xg6+ | Bf5xg6 |
14 | Qh5xg6+ | Ke8-d8 |
15 | Qg6xf6+ | Qd7-e7 |
16 | Qf6xh8+ | Qe7-e8 |
17 | Qh8-f6+ | Nc6-e7 |
18 | Bc1xh6 | d6-d5 |
19 | Bc4xd5 | Kd8-d7 |
20 | Bd5-e6+ | Kd7-d8 |
21 | Qf6xe5 | Ne7-c6 |
22 | Bh6-g5 | Nc6-e7 |
23 | Qe5-d4# |