Hmm.. I wonder if the antibiotics have anything to do with the gastrointestinal issues I've been having these past few days?
Naw. Then again, maybe I should look up this drug..
I also found out that "Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence" was playing at a theatre near us. Maybe I should go and check it out?
I've been watching a fair bit of Farscape. It's not a bad series, but slightly predictable.
That's about all I did.
Oh yeah, that and fix the car. One of the cables was hanging loose so we had to put it back in place.
HKL also came by to pick up the second season of LoGH. I was supposed to go to a stag party but I changed my mind. I wanted to relax today.
Hmm, I think I've been watching way too much "Farscape" lately. I think I've gone through a season in two days. Now I've got some of those strange words they use in my head. Oh well, I think they'll get flushed out in a cycle or two.
I forgot to mention that the weather today was amazingly nice. If you exclude the rain that is. It was very warm outside, so working on the car was actually quite easy. It was also very windy, so the ground and roads were littered with leaves. It looked quite cool actually.
We lost our hockey game, but I played better than ususal. It was mostly due to the fact that I had sharpened my skates recently. I'll have to remember to sharpen them more often.
I really should go to sleep soon, and I need to get a hair cut tomorrow. I also have a lot of work to do. *sigh*
Saturday, October 30, 2004 at 07:06:37 (UTC)
Antibiotics can reduce the natural bacteria in your digestive system, causing "issues." :P
Saturday, October 30, 2004 at 13:01:13 (UTC)
Not to get anyone worried or anything, but I blame my colitis on heavy anti-biotic usage a skin doctor gave me, many years ago.
Saturday, October 30, 2004 at 18:31:37 (UTC)
Yup, antibiotics lay waste to the innocent denizens of your GI tract. Some (e.g. erythromycin and its relatives) have a direct effect on the gut as well. Load up on yogurt when your antibiotics are finished to get the lactobacilli back.
If you haven't seen Innocence, I suggest you go as it is worth the price of admission. The CGI is top notch and the plot is good. The only problem is that Mamoru Oishii gets a little pretentious at the end. --HKL
Grinning Reaper
Monday, November 01, 2004 at 00:08:51 (UTC)
This is why I take drugs as a last resort. I'm still young, so I don't think antibiotics or other drugs are necessary except for extreme cases. Ah well, I'm taking them now, so I'll have to live with it. (Rather than die from it.)