Well, the modules and code for PHP5 has arrived onto unstable and I'm tempted to install it. I guess that will be another weekend upgrade which would require my presence at my parent's place. I'll have to see if I can find the time.
I've been falling behind on the updates and I haven't had time to write anything up at home. Well, I really shouldn't have started that Civ III game.
Anyway, I'll put up some quick notes before I go.
AC mentioned that a plane crashed at the airport just now.
Well, I guess AC was right! I was peeking at the MTO cameras and came across this shot.
I was driving on the highway on my way home from badminton. Traffic was a little slower than normal and I was behind this one car in the passing lane. I wasn't sure why he was going so slowly, but after a while, the brake lights came on and the car slowed down considerably. I was confused as to what was happening, and was going to pass on the outside lane when I heard debris striking the front of my car and I saw an object roll off to the right. It looked like the remains of a tire. My initial observation seemed to be confirmed when the car in front of him pulled out of the passing lane. I watched the tires closely and noticed that there were sparks coming from the right rear tire. I guess there was some sort of problem with the tire, and it came off the rim, but the car was now driving on one of it's rims. Craziness!