I've been fixing little bugs here and there. One annoying one which cropped up recently was when I started using those special characters a lot. My saving routine was converting the ampersands into & and thus clobbering the character. I wasn't escaping for the pound symbol. It should be fixed now.
It's late, but I should get that link thing to work.
My sight has been getting a little blurry of late. I'll be checking with the optometrist on Wednesday so we'll see how my eyes are doing.
I've started to get some spam on my accounts again. It seems as if they spammers have found a way to get around the filters that are in place (or the filters have stopped functioning). We'll see how long this lasts..
Ugh, having two blades was probably an improvement, but three could be considered useful. Then it got silly with four blades, but five? I think the Onion sums it up.
Of course, I use an electric shaver (which might explain why I always look so ragged).
Well, there was a shameless plea for help on KH's blog, so I figure that I should post something about it too since I need to get the assignment done as well.
I'm a bit lazy, so you can look at the questions on the blog.