One of the dangers when you are on a motorcycle is being cut off by a car. Motorcycles are generally hard to see and are easily missed when checking mirrors or your blind spot. In addition, the speed difference can be fairly large since most bikes accellerate a lot faster than most cars.
I was speeding up on an uphill with virtually no traffic on the highway. Most of the cars and trucks were left behind near the bottom of the valley. Since the two cars in the fast lane were also moving slowly, I was coming up the middle lane.
As I was getting ready to pass, the lead car pulls into my lane: no signal, no pause, no warning. I was ready to fumble for the horn when I decided that the car had the right of mass, and switched lanes. I gave the vehicle a look as I passed, and it was still driving slow when I looked behind me.
As the sign says: Check your mirrors for motorcycles!