MJNL had Friday off and I had that afternoon off, so we had some extra time to enjoy on the weekend. MJNL spent most of it doing some laundry, and after I got home we had a nice breakfast-y lunch before heading out to her parents' place. We went to visit her grandmother and spent the night there as she was planning on doing some shopping. Yes, we ended up doing a fair bit of shopping for Hakkaka's baby shower before we rushed back to town for BL's (nearly last minute) farewell dinner at Table 17. The food was okay, but probably not for the price. I was introduced as myself, and then as girl's brother again to which people recognized. Ah well.
I went to hockey afterward where we got walloped. I was actually out of juice halfway through the game. I could not figure out why I was so tired.
Today we spent most of the day indoor. MJNL was watching more Lost episodes while I tried to get aqbanking to work (still working on it).
We went out to dinner with the rest of my family for my Grandmother's birthday and had so many leftovers that our entire table went home with extremely large doggy bags. I think we are set for food for the rest of the week!