I got up late this morning and went about cleaning up the apartment. I found someone interested in buying the frame, and I was able to do laundry and sweep the floors. I even washed the tub and washed the dishes.
I took some time to replace the CD-Rom in my computer as well. I had an old eight speed lying around, so I took out the wonky drive and popped it in. It seems to be running okay. It can't read CD-R's, but at least it will read normal CDs. (Which is better than what my not-so-old old drive could do.)
I spent some time relaxing on the couch and watching some episodes of the third season of 24. I think I needed the break. It'll be a long couple of weeks ahead of me.
I was thinking of going to Wonderland, or to the ultimate game, but I really wasn't in the mood. Staying at home was a good idea. But I still have some cleaning left to do..