I didn't get much sleep the night before. I actually got up a bit past four for some reason (must be the heat, or lack of water) but I was able to force myself back to sleep again for a couple of hours. (To get up at six-thirty.) I ended up leaving town around eight and began the long, uneventful drive back home.
The weather was pretty good actually. Not a cloud in the sky, and the temperatures were not that cold. I did have to wait at customs however. For some reason, there was a lineup. I don't think I had to wait in line the last three times I crossed the border..
Because the day was basically shot, I decided to drop by UW to see how RJL and weirDo were doing. I wanted to go for lunch as well, but when I got there (around two), weirDo was out! Where could he have gone?
I found out not much later, when both he and RHS showed up. What was RHS doing in the country?!? Apparently he was only there for a few days. It's pure coincidence the he was in town the day I decided to drop by. Strange, the four of us in the same town.. in the same day.. many moons afterward..
<- checks to see if the planets are aligned.
I only stuck around a couple of hours before heading out to the hill. I was assigned tonight, and I needed to grab my things from the house. Amazingly enough, I made it out there right on time. Which was also just in time for three injuries. Actually, there were a lot of injuries that night that I had to help out with. It's probably why it felt as if the night went so quickly. It was good experience though, and I did get some skiing in.