Hey, I was able to convince ET to come out and have pho with us today. The usual suspects were out as well.
I went down to play pickup ultimate. I was a little worried that it might rain because the forecast predicted a shower in the afternoon with a chance of a thunderstorm. While I was driving down, I saw the clouds start gathering, but amazingly enough, when I made it to the field (an hour late) the clouds broke and the sun shone through! No rain! (It was only super hot, crazy windy, and extra muggy though!)
What the..? It's already past ten?!? Man, and it only seemed like a moment ago to sit down and play Set..
Well, I got 1:23 today. Not bad. All that work with the other Set thing really honed my senses despite using different shades, colours, and shapes. I'm in "pattern recognition mode"!
I've signed up for the 11th World Puzzle Championship. We'll see if I can qualify huh? Try out the practice exam for yourself!