With MJNL on the other side of the world, I was told about how the Indians were celebrating Diwali today. I had never heard of it (or if I had, I had forgotten about it) until MJNL and I were watching an episode of The Office that was centred around the festival.
We just got mail from a co-worker who left some Diwali treats in the kitchen, so that prompted me to write this entry (I figured that three reminders was enough).
I got a new hard drive installed on my laptop to replace the other one which was using a borrowed controller chip. When I got the laptop back, I took a look and was surprised to see that the C: drive had only twenty gigabytes of storage, of which only three and a half were available. What the heck? There was a second hard drive which was eighty gigabytes in size, so I went to check to see what the deal was. Apparently HL had partitioned the hard drive with a 20GB partition for the operating system, but then SR took over and installed everything onto the operating system partition! Left hand not talking to right..
So when I started installing some of the critical updates, the computer complained that it was running low on disk space, and lo and behold, there was none left. Argh! I even installed as much as I could on the D: drive.
Now I am looking for partitioning software so that I can repartition the disk into something a bit more useful.