Hmm, my knee seems to be a little wonked out today. *flexes knee* I might have put a bit too much pressure on it somehow. *flexes knee* I only felt the problem twice though, so I should be alright. Right?
A couple of questions I heard on the radio. The one today was a survey question which found out that ten precent of men (probably in North America) would choose to wear this costume for Halloween if they had to wear it for a year. (Maybe they want to have trouble breathing or something?) The second quesion I had heard weeks ago and it was a survey question put to kids during the Christmas of 1997. Basically, what did kids want the most for Christmas? (Now when they say kids, I think it was eight or younger.)
Argh! (I've been saying Argh! quite a bit of late.) Too much. Too much!! There's way too many transactions that I have to record to finish my accounting. Argh! I still have all of that spending money to go through, that'll take the better part of a month.. *gloomy look*
Other stuff that's too much includes CTRL-A e-mail. Holy crap! It's like I was standing at the foot of the Hoover dam and someone decided to make it disappear. I'd say over 90% of my e-mail is now from that list. Very tempted to remove myself from it.. (Why am I still on it anyway? None of that stuff is related to anything I do anymore..)
I went snooping around the mall today. Didn't find anything interesting. Well, I did find interesting stuff, but it was interesting by the fact that the game (The Longest Journey) is over a year old and it's still seventy bucks at EB! For a game I didn't hear much about (although what I did hear was good, good, good) it's got an amazingly long shelf life.
Maybe I'll see if I can snatch myself a copy tomorrow.