I got to the banquet late (as expected) but I didn't have any problems finding a seat. Our group had taken over two of the tables and I was able to find a seat on the second one (there were four empty seats there). I got there just in time to listen to the tail end of the pre-dinner speeches, so I didn't miss much. However, as I was the highest ranking officer in the patrol attending the banquet, I had to go and accept the award on behalf of any of our patrollers that didn't show up at the ceremony. It ended up being more often than I had anticipated (or wanted). However, I did end up being called upon to pick up some sort of achievement award. (Which I didn't expect.)
Anyway, the food was pretty good, and I had my fill. I ended up looking at one of the displays, and noticed that my picture was on one of them. However, I also noticed that they had labeled me as being from the wrong hill! I decided to do a bit of fancy correction..
I ended up talking with DE who gave me some advice with respect to running. He's been training for the half-marathon, so he's been taking some courses on proper stretching, etc. Some interesting things that I wanted to remember:
I'll need to keep those in mind. Actually, I should go and talk with someone to see if I'm overdoing (or underdoing) things..
I ended up staying until the end of the dance even though I didn't actually dance much. It was all good though. I ended up taking home a number of glasses, so I've got quite a number of cups to play with now..
Tuesday, April 20, 2004 at 01:28:22 (UTC)
tango is an excellent way to develop the hamstrings. oh wait, only if you are the female! :)
Tuesday, April 20, 2004 at 20:01:06 (UTC)
For the men among us, I might recommend the straight-legged deadlift as an alternative to the tango. Normal deadlifts are good as well.
Wednesday, April 21, 2004 at 14:52:30 (UTC)
Ooh, but if you do this improperly, couldn't it be bad for your back?
Thursday, April 22, 2004 at 16:38:29 (UTC)
Sure, that's true of most exercises. My recommendation? Try doing them right - it's better for you.
You'd want to start really light anyway - it's not like you're moving into bodybuilding or something. When you're doing them with light weights, it's little more than bending over. Just make sure you're only bending at the hips - your lower back should stay slightly arched.
minty fresh Llama
Friday, April 23, 2004 at 18:01:09 (UTC)
actually, badminton should be a good balance since you are running forwards and backwards a lot. However, the lunging really works the quads more. kendrick broke his kneecap during a jump partly because of imbalanced muscle development!