Gah, my Facebook account hacked again, but along with it was my Gmail and Hotmail accounts as well, which is a bit more disturbing. Time to change all of my passwords..
So I think whoever is controlling the account forwarded all the e-mail to this account: vickybanner1@hotmail.co.uk.
Okay, so I think I fixed one account, but the other one is still compromised and I have no recourse (from what I can tell) except to ask the admins to change the password. Either that, or I will have to change all of my e-mail to point to a different account..
Until then, Facebook is still hax0red.
Monday, December 06, 2010 at 22:21:59 (UTC)
That would explain why my attempt to forward the phishing attempt from your website's email account to your gmail account didn't elicit a response from you.