Well, this Monday, I forgot my parking pass so I had to borrow GY's card to get my car in the lot. So I decided to leave the card in the car so that I would not forget. I took the day off yesterday and dropped off the car for some routine maintenance. Routine maintenance turned into a full day of work, which also meant that they gave me a car to drive for the day (a Honda Civic). A full day of work became a pick your car up the next day sort of thing, and I was not thinking that far into the future when the service representative asked me if I needed anything from the car.
So here I am again, without a card to get into the parking lot, driving a rental to boot. Ah well, let me see if I can figure out how to get into work today.
While I was shopping yesterday, I decided to walk into the EB store to check out Derelict's story about EB slowly phasing out their PC game stock. When I walked inside, the store was manned (and I use that term loosely) but a couple of young teens. One looked at me and asked politely,
"How can I help you sir?"
Sir? Oh man, I did not think that I was.. that..
<- counts fingers.
I guess I am nearly twice the kid's age. Yes, that makes me a sir. Yes, I am old.
Oh yeah, when I got back to the condo, the concierge asked me how my wife was doing since he had not seen her in a while.
Getting old.