I just finished reading the last of The Dark is Rising series. Not bad. I was able to predict some of it, but I was caught unawares a couple of times. It's a very easy read, although there wasn't really a focus on a single character, she does fairly well at juggling the focus between the children.
The plan is to wax some boards, update some computer systems, and then go out to eat. Buffet food. Goody. Time to make some room..
I've been playing around with XP's Remote Desktop Connection. It's neat, but you can't turn on nor turn off the computer you're connected too, so you don't have as much control over it as with PC Anywhere or Netsupport.
I kept forgetting to mention this, but it's (technically) been over five years now that this blog portion of the site has been up and running.
Five years!
So much has happened since then, and there's so much that I didn't write about, stuff I've forgotten, and things.. well, this has gone on longer than I had anticipated.
I've come back around to where I started, and realized that very little has changed in where I am. I have changed, yes. The people around me have changed, yes. But the situation isn't that much different than before. The future is as cloudy as ever.
Did I ever think it would change?