I was watching Spawn last night and went through the first two seasons. It's not bad, although the animation isn't that great.
I played better at badminton last night than on Monday. Hopefully I'll improve a lot this year.
Oh, since it's Halloween, I got a bunch of Halloween pictures from various sources. A couple of them will be temporary (since I'm hosting them), but the other one is from VC (which looked rude when I originally looked at it). The other two are from Madelaine. (Drunk pumpkin and Ghost dogs.)
Well, BMH's out to fight bad breath.
I got a poscard from CJF!
Oh my the doorbell is ringing, and I'm a singing.. Wait. That's not right.
It seems like I won't be watching the ring tonight. Only two people responded to the summons. Both were (eventually) negative. *shrugs* Maybe I'll watch it on my own later then.
I was invited out to watch "The Ring" with the ninjastars, and out with the Ski Patrol folks. Unfortunately I'm not feeling that good. I had a late lunch (Harvey's ugh.) and it's not sitting well in my esophagus. *rubs chest*