I was goofing off, and surfing and came across a line:
"I like corm."
Which I originally thought was a typo. But I looked up corm anyway and found out that it was a real word! Doh. Hey, taro is a type of corm. Cool!
What the.. I just got a call from TN. She wants to come over to play poker.
Unfortunately I did not have anything planned so I could not say no. I really should come up with good excuses for next time.
TN and her friends came over to play poker. As expected, they did not chip in for food or anything, but I recouped some of my money by winning at poker. I really was not in the mood to entertain or play poker as the hockey game was on tonight. Unfortunately, I completely forgot about it until they were already on their way. Bah.
Anyway, they did not destroy my place, and I did not let them have any of my beer while they were here. (I am saving it for the people coming over on Saturday.) So it was not a bad ordeal. I did stay up past my bed time though, and I ended up driving them home. Joy.
At least I did not crash this time.