Just got in. I actually got around to doing most of the stuff I was planning to do for today: Laundry, vacuuming, and groceries. That leaves the rest of the day for me to do work and relax.. (then go home and make dinner! Yay! Real food!) I've been eating canned goods/eating out/eating sugar for the past week or so and it's starting to wear pretty thin. I haven't had rice in a while so I think I'll start with that.
Guess what I've been doing for the past few hours? Apparently nothing very productive. While I was shopping, I was wondering how the thirty second delay could be minimized for the Stirling car. I was thinking, why not have a battery assist? (Like those hybrid cars.) That should allow you to start the car instantly and provide extra power when needed. Hmm.. Now the question of feasability comes up, but I'm no engineer.. Are there any engineers out there?
Well, there go my plans for making a great meal. I might still be able to, but it's awfully late. I wonder how I can replace food sustenance with computer gaming sustenance. It defies logic, but it's amazingly true.
New updates up. Laz is having hiring problems, while KGL is having sleeping problems and MJO gives a recap of the past little while. Tiffi, who has the last update, has some comments about Oklahoma weather. (I still think Waterloo weather is stranger.)
I better get going then. Must.. cook..