Whoa, I got a message from out of the blue there! It's been so long hasn't it?
I've been spending the past couple of hours finishing up a little administration form I was working on for this site. It seems to be working now. Hopefully it'll save me some time when it comes to updating my calendar.
I'm not quite sure what this movie is since I can't seem to download it, but I got the link from Laz a while back.
I can download it now. I guess the network isn't so busy right now? Yikes, that's a lot of guns.
I went to play ultimate today because I was asked by DWC to sub in. He wasn't expecting that many guys to show up, so..
Today was a fantastic day for an outdoor activity. It was sunny, warm, and not too windy. Too bad we didn't win. We played better this time than last, but we (well, me) still make a bunch of mistakes that cost us too many points. It was close though, 15-13, so it was probably the best game of the year!
I ended up driving one of the team members to a subway station. I don't know how I got conned into it, but I had assumed that DWC was going to pass by a subway station, any subway station on his trek back home. Apparently I was wrong, so I was nominated to drive. (Being the only other driver.) *shakes fist*
Traffic was bad, and it would've been worse if I drove her home because of the construction and Santa Claus parade (which I had forgotten about until she brought it up). Good thing I didn't go downtown.
I went to Dangerman's place after since I was going to have dinner with him and girl. We played a bit of.. er, I mean, we looked at his new iMac and.. uh.. did important stuff. Yeah. Very important stuff.
We were late for dinner.
girl and BL were not amused. But at least the food was good!