Here's a list of links I haven't bothered putting up in the past couple of days. The first is to a Toronto Star article forwarded from girl. The next three are sites related to thebroomball tournament in a couple of weeks. The organizers, the city, and the venue.
Finally, girl sent a link for some puzzle. Solve it and you get a hundred grand.
Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 05:50:17 (UTC)
Does anyone know when the contest for the bodacions challenge ends?
Lazarius <e-mail>
Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 13:23:07 (UTC)
as far as I can tell, it doesn't. while I haven't read the whole thing, I think if you can actually solve it, you've basically broken their crypto system.. So they're probably thinking no one ever will, and if someone does, they're screwed.