Well, it's Independance day for them folks down south, so I should only be getting half as many calls up here as usual. (With my luck, the existing half will just double in length to take up the same amount of time.)
I tried out that Tron 2.0 demo, and the light cycles seem like a fun feature. It looks very Tron-esque so the game will hopefully be very good too. (Visually at least.)
I know that this was part of a larger dream, but I forgotten most of it already. Heck, I nearly forgot this part too! I was in some sort of public building where we were holding some sort of talent thing. I had nothing set up so I whipped up some lyrics (ultimate style) and started trying to sing it. The first dry run sounded really bad, so I wanted to change it to a rap (how can you screw up rap?) but I didn't have time to reherse before the people came in to listen. So I waffled by waiting for the right music. When the music came on, I waited, and waited..
I had a spiders from here and here sniff through my site in the past month.
It's warm out there. Standing around in the sun is not a good idea for anyone not wearing ablative clothing.
Lunch was good, but I think I had too much. I'm feeling nauseous. *blorp*
I really should learn how to write legably. All my notes are chicken scratches and become hieroglyphics a few months down the road when I forget the context with which I wrote those notes!
Anyway, JW got a job and came over to our place for dinner. I'm still full, and having dinner only made it worse. I hope I'll be able to move when hockey time comes around..
Oh yeah, I found a link from the ShackNews to an article about the X-Box hack that's been posted on a newsgroup.
Heheh.. I found a bunch of stuff on the ShackNews's forum related to this X-Box thing. The first is a Penny Arcade link and the second is a video. I got a laugh from both.
Okay, off to hockey.