Wah, I broke my glasses! *cries* I'll explain later, although it was a pretty stupid stunt on my part. *sigh*
What is up with me and concrete anyway? Well, I'm a little tired, so any recap will have to come at a later date.
Finally! Argh, what a wrist aching game! The keyboard layout is so bad I think i gave myself CTS after a week of playing. *flexes wrist*
Very few games have given me any sorts of problems like this. Annoying.
Anyway, at least I'm done now. I needed help from a walkthrough for a number of parts, but most of the puzzles were straightforward. Oh man I'm glad it's over.
Now I need to sleep. *groan*
I got this link from one of my cousins. It's got a lot of questions that I would have wanted to ask had I had access to these types of questions. Anyway, they're a rather general collection of riddles, problems, and questions, so check them out if you want to. I've only answered six questions so far. Thirty to go..
I went out to play softball with a number of girl's friends tonight. There isn't much to say really, but I was surprised at the number of people who showed up (18) and the number of people I recognized! (7) I didn't play very well, but I never do well in softball/hardball. This thing about catching and throwing is something I've never mastered quite that well. I can run though, but it doesn't help when you can't hit..
Sunday, July 22, 2001 at 13:12:43 (UTC)
Man, I keep on telling you - take OFF your glasses before you start those bar fights - it's not like you need to see the person you're swinging at anyways... Just aim for the closest fuzzy blob.