Well, yesterday was a bust. I'm busy tonight, and hopefully I'll be free on Wednesday. Okay, I've got entries to write, and I want to get them done and over with soon..
I suddenly realized something while working on something else. If I do move from flat files to a relational database, how will I easilly edit old entries/comments?
I went to my first badminton session in a month. Oi did it ever show. My timing was completely off: I was missing/mishitting the bird, and I felt sluggish. Because of the improper hits, I couldn't place the bird well, etc. I guess I'll have to get back in the groove, although at one session a week, I doubt I'll be able to improve my play.
I spent the rest of the night playing "Knights of the Old Republic". After talking with Laz and finding a FAQ on character creation (one specific type actually), I decided to restart the game, and ended up losing seven hours of game time. Mind you, I think I'll go back and play my original character once I finish the game with this one, but I would like to be able to see the limits of what it can do..