My fever broke late last night, and I was able to get a semi-good night's sleep. I still have no idea what sort of thing I caught, but I haven't been this sick in years.
I got this link from Derelict who got it from BC.
Man, weddings come in groups don't they? I got four within a year four years ago, and now three within as many months now!
Anyway, it's in two months, so I'll have to figure out what to get them..
I was doing yet another quiz and found out that I was Freddy!
JS sent this link over. Especially the red text for the ho costume..
I got links from the boys here on light sabres and skule nite light sabre stuff.
Oh boy, I'm falling behind with the updates. I've got no time at all to write entries, and I've got a couple of day's worth to fill! (With way more on the way!) Argh!
I haven't eaten dinner yet either and I'm famished! I guess I'll starve tonight because I'm too tired to eat, but tomorrow..
I just got back from the meeting thing. It was long, but we went over a number of things. I met up with the Vermont crew afterward and sat with them for half an hour. I gave KB a nice raspberry too!