[Monday, August 20, 2001: *looks around* Hmm, not much here to discuss.]
Hmm, I just got word that Apple QuickTime doesn't work in Internet Explorer SP2.
Ugh. I'm so tired. I haven't been sleeping much for the past few days due to a combination of going to sleep latish, and waking up early. Curse my cicadian rhythm! *shakes fist* Anyway, I found this ZDNet article on video games interesting. So perhaps violent video games don't make people violent, but playing video games will cause them to lose control of their emotional/analytical ability which will cause them to be more violent. Why that's preposterous! *smashes keyboard* *upends table* *throws monitor* *kicks obscenely cute puppy*
Oh.. so where was I? I can't remember. Maybe I'll just go back to playing games..
Oh yeah, while going out to pick up lunch, I came across some roadkill. It was pretty fresh, and it stunned me when it appeared from under the car in front of me (since we were all pretty close). It was a Canada goose. Man, those things are big.
My my, it's pouring outside. I'm glad I made it back just in time! I wonder how wet I'll get during ultimate?
Hey.. I just went over the list of computer related "stuff to do" (Net Meeting, set up the cron job, and get new Nero) and I just noticed that I did it all! Weirdness. I think I keep making up these "to do" lists all the time but never actually mark off the stuff I did because I generally lose them. Hmm.
Oh yeah, something just crossed my mind. I was thinking of those CD business cards, and I thought it was a great way to show of one's homepage, but I just realized that it wouldn't work in my case. The journal is powered by cgi and requires the server to run the code. (Well, you don't NEED to run cgi, but you lose a lot of funtionality.) If it was all javascript based, then it wouldn't be required to access the server, but could instead run off the client computer only (if they have a javascript cabable browser). Does anyone know of a client side method, or program that can run these cgi scripts? (PhP and asp are both in the same boat too methinks.)
Hmm.. what an annoying way to get this menu to work. Oh well, you can check it out the test here if you want. I've got to go and play ultimate.
I think someone has seen The Shawshank Redemption. What the.. why didn't they have this when I was in.. I mean.. uh.. what are they thinking? Finally, I can't believe that I went to school in this city. Those links were from the ShackNews. There were two interesting articles on ArsTechnica I'd like to put up so I won't forget. One is a review of the cordless optical Logitech mouse. It seems like this Jade fellow can go off on tangents now and then. The other is about a possibility that universal constants may not be constant..
Geez, this is the fourth "Transdermal Fat Emulsifying Gel" e-mail spam I've gotten in as many hours. What the heck is going on there? I think the internet is doomed to fail when all of the communication lines are clogged with spam. Grr..
Anyway, ultimate went well. Considering that we lost. Well, I think that was a given, but we did play pretty well in the second half! (We were pretty much even in the second half actually.) The rain didn't stop the fun, and besides, it was only spitting. You know what? I think I should start putting together songs for the spirit thing. It can't be that hard can it? *thinks of tunes*
Tuesday, August 21, 2001 at 00:45:54 (UTC)
If that is all you are going to say about that "topic of discussion" I would rather you take that link down. You are my brother; you cannot remain silent like that - especially on your own web page! don't you know that silence is assent? :(