I'm sore and tired. I actually got a lot of sleep last night but I'm still really tired. I think I'll need another day or so to recover, so I'm not sure if I should go to badminton or not tonight.
Ugh. I'm hungry. There wasn't much food in the house, so I munched on some toast. Too bad bread tends to digest pretty quickly..
Ahh. I've figured out why my update thing didn't work in Lynx. I'm using PHP sessions to keep track of information and I had made it a habit of ignoring cookies when I was using Lynx. (I didn't need them before.) So, because the session information is stored on a cookie..
So I'm back to using Lynx for my updates.
I'll probably be skipping out on badminton this week. I've got way too much stuff to work on and I'm fairly sore.
I went to drop my dad off at the airport on my way to work this morning. I usually don't take that route at that time, so I don't hit a lot of traffic, but today there was a pretty large slowdown just as I got off the highway. The airport itself was fairly empty though.
Oh well, back to work.
I skipped out on badminton today so that I could do some patrol stuff. I made a fair number of calls and hopefully got a number of people coming back to the patrol. Every extra warm body will help. Of course, it is a little late..
I also discovered something: If I don't take pictures at an event, I generally don't get any pictures from that event. I haven't been taking my camera to many places recently, and I noticed that the number of photos in my folder hasn't grown by very much. Time to break out the camera again..
I've been doing some work on the website, but I still have a lot of other stuff to do as well. *sigh* Hopefully I'll be able to catch up by tomorrow. Heck, I still have two entries to write up!