Well, I'm back, and I'm not too tired but I need to go to sleep if I expect to get over this jet lag. I've got to get my finances back in order, and I have some chores to run tomorrow. I hope I don't forget..
Squishy passed along a live stream to a bald eagle's nest.
I had a few errands to run today and wanted to get them out of the way since it was going to be one of the few week days that I would have available to me. I got a message from Windelynn about a couple of motorcycle stands that she had in her trunk for me, and was reminded to pick up the back protector that she had put on hold for me. I also wanted to get rid of some of those computers that I didn't need, and needed to find out if I could store my bike in the garage. So I went and loaded up my equipment and drove down to the depot to donate the machines before heading down to the store to pick up the back protector. It didn't take long before I found one that fit, and then I headed home.
The drive back was a nightmare. I was hitting the beginning of rush hour and all the highways were packed, and I was even going against traffic!
I did get home and had enough time to make dinner before heading out to hockey. It was a good game this time, TT had joined the league this summer and he played well, but he ran off with my white jersey..