I've altered the HTML a bit as par FlyingS's suggested changes. Will have to figure a way to do the rest of this at another time. Played a bit of Counter-Strike, while waiting for weirDo to finish whatever he was doing so we could try out Homeworld. Once he called me up, we started a game. Well, we tried to. He couldn't log into WON. Apparently, his (mine actually) CD key was already in use. Hmm.. we didn't have that problem last time when we tried it out. That was kind of sucky. After some (failed) attempts to get him logged in, we gave up. Now I'm here wondering if I should go home or not. I probably should, it's starting to cool down outside and I don't want to go home in the rain (it's very overcast right now). Ah well, decisions, decisions.
Wednesday, May 10, 2000 at 03:15:51 (UTC)
Hurray! No more BLOCKQUOTES for indents! (well, almost). Now that's some fine lookin' HTML source.