I finished! Yay! Finally finished the scholarship application. I was pretty lucky though. I was handing it in just as they were putting on their jackets to leave (I still had seven minutes left, but I guess they wanted to leave early to miss the rush of crazed students wanting money?). Ah well, it's over. Well, the NSERC one is. Now I have to see if I can finish the OGS one..
Last night, as I was going home, I bladed up behind these two girls who I must have scared a bit since they looked back and were relieved when they saw me.
"Sounded like a bear!"
I was blading on the brick walkway and it made a fair bit of noise (a sort of rumbling sound) so that's probably why they got scared. As I passed by them, one of the girls told me
"Put a silencer on that thing."
Yeah sure, whatever.
Spent most of the day working on the NSERC stuff so I didn't really get to do anything interesting today. Been working on LiH on the side, and I might actually be making progress! *gasp*
Laz told me that this page looks different on IE than it does on Netscrape.. I gotta get my hands on a copy and take a look at it myself, but the last time I checked (from Growly's place) it looked fine. I'm not using any Netscape or IE specific tags or scripts so I can't see if there were any problems.. but you never know, I have a tendency of missing out on the littlest (or the biggest) details..
weirDo's skipping out on class tonight, so I'm probably going to go home soon. I gotta eat, and I'm going to play around with Brood War.. yeah yeah!
Some mail left, but I should be able to go through the rest tomorrow (boy, mail piles up when you don't play around with it..) now I'm gonna go. Dinner calls!