Hmm.. I wonder if the antibiotics have anything to do with the gastrointestinal issues I've been having these past few days?
Naw. Then again, maybe I should look up this drug..
I also found out that "Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence" was playing at a theatre near us. Maybe I should go and check it out?
Saturday, October 30, 2004 at 07:06:37 (UTC)
Antibiotics can reduce the natural bacteria in your digestive system, causing "issues." :P
Saturday, October 30, 2004 at 13:01:13 (UTC)
Not to get anyone worried or anything, but I blame my colitis on heavy anti-biotic usage a skin doctor gave me, many years ago.
Saturday, October 30, 2004 at 18:31:37 (UTC)
Yup, antibiotics lay waste to the innocent denizens of your GI tract. Some (e.g. erythromycin and its relatives) have a direct effect on the gut as well. Load up on yogurt when your antibiotics are finished to get the lactobacilli back.
If you haven't seen Innocence, I suggest you go as it is worth the price of admission. The CGI is top notch and the plot is good. The only problem is that Mamoru Oishii gets a little pretentious at the end. --HKL
Grinning Reaper
Monday, November 01, 2004 at 00:08:51 (UTC)
This is why I take drugs as a last resort. I'm still young, so I don't think antibiotics or other drugs are necessary except for extreme cases. Ah well, I'm taking them now, so I'll have to live with it. (Rather than die from it.)