So I finally got around to making my sausages and hash browns I got a couple of days ago. The sausages were pretty good, and easy to make. The hash browns were easy to make too. Well, at least they should've been. The instructions were to set the burner to high and cook for a few minutes. Well, I set the heat to near max, and figured that it was taking too long since each time I checked (every couple of minutes) the slivers weren't very brown. I then put the heat to max, and went back to reading the paper. I didn't go back to the pan until I could smell the smoke..
Whoops. Another lesson learned. I'm still trying to wash off that awful burnt taste off my tounge. *takes another swig of water*
What the..? Nobody ever calls me on this phone. It took me several rings before I got around to picking it up (because I didn't recognize the ring). Well, it seems as if I've got to find someone else to take my place next Saturday. Grr.
Friday, January 18, 2002 at 13:03:01 (UTC)
you hophead you!
mister spelling man
Friday, January 18, 2002 at 23:27:42 (UTC)
Eh..heh. It's been fixed.
Saturday, January 19, 2002 at 21:06:10 (UTC)
You can't hide the truth!
At least I know why you always seem hungry.
old fogey