A sudden power outtage took down our network for an hour or so. It's quite annoying to have to reboot all of the hubs to get things back up and running again. I wonder why that is? (Turning off the power after the power went off to get it to work. It's like crashing a car into a wall to get rid of a dent in the bumper.)
I'm just glad I'm working on a laptop. Built in UPS! Yeah baby! *pumps fist* Unfortunately, since the network went down, I couldn't save any of my work on the server. *hangs head*
I'm getting more and more inclined to get a UPS for my system at home..
Thursday, August 23, 2001 at 20:24:51 (UTC)
Yeah, whenever we lose power, those of us who opted for desktops laugh at the laptop set - they have to keep on working, as our entire network is on a series of UPSs.
Friday, August 24, 2001 at 03:43:05 (UTC)
When it comes to coding deadlines, power outages without a UPS backup are a bad thing.
Saturday, August 25, 2001 at 09:57:54 (UTC)
Hah! If your deadlines are so close that a short power cut (a few hours) makes you miss a release, then you've got more problems than the power. ;-)
Saturday, August 25, 2001 at 19:30:24 (UTC)
How very true. *blink* *starts coding furiously*