2046-LM found this video funny, but I thought that it was just weird. There's a bit of violence and gore in this one.
I found this article and this one on solar storms from ArsTechnica.
I should be going to the airport soon. I think I got everything. Those coupons I got for parking disappeared somewhere. I don't think I put them in my bag when I left the office. Oh well..
So I landed in Memphis not very long ago, and I went out to Corky's BBQ. The ribs there are good! For a guy who doesn't like ribs, these were very tasty! (I tried the dry style.)
Anyway, I don't have a lot of time. I need to go to sleep and I need to get ready for tomorrow. I sense a lot of coding ahead..
Whoa, I couldn't find any soap in the room, and even after I picked some up from the front desk, I ran out of floss. Argh!