Man, I want to go back to bed. I guess my game playing habits have not left me yet. *yawns*
I really should clear out my inbox, but I'm not quite in the mood. Erk. Let's see what I can do..
FlyingS's got some anecdotes about eating uot for lunch, while NVM's got an interview up. I really haven't been keeping tabs of the people writing stuff of late, well, I have, but I haven't been noting them here. I dunno, all I want to do for the last little while was to take naps and finish the darned game..
Hmm, I got a link just now from a coworker, I'll check it out later.
Oh dear, I just found out what Page 3 was. Basically, the conversation started like this:
"You've got to see a picture of this girl I used to go drinking with.."
Come on, that sounded innocent enough didn't it?
So uh, for those of you who are allergic to skin, I would suggest that you don't click on the above link. For the rest of you (skin starved) folks, you can go crazy. Of course, most of you probably are, but I digress.
(Dang, those Brits have a much higher tolerance than North Americans..)