Hmm, where did the time fly? Oh well. I fixed some minor bugs with some of the chess stuff, and it seems to be a bit cleaner now. I still have to go through and make sure that the code's nice and tidy, but I'll leave that for another time. I did some work on the revisions page, but I think I made it more messed up than when I started on it! At least there's more content.
Okay, I need to make an appointment with the bank..
Hmm, Derelict mentioned a torrent site.
Well, I just got a notice that Staples is selling a Microsoft Optical Desktop with Fingerprint Reader. I didn't even know that Microsoft had one! It's a cool idea, although there is some fine print:
"Microsoft® Fingerprint Reader should not be used for protecting sensitive data like financial information or for accessing corporate networks."
Okay, so what are they saying? That it's not secure? Then why bother?
I figure that I won't be seeing any more gifts, so here's a rundown on what I got:
Not bad considering that I didn't ask for anything. (Although getting all those shirts and sweaters is indicative of something..)
I went to HT's restaurant to find out if I can get some help with this condo thing. I already sent word to GWT, and I knew that HT had connections.
Oh yeah, I talked to MS about those snow tires. I think we'll try for next Monday.
I'm having more and more trouble typing. Not the actual physical typing, but typing out words. I seem to be typing the incorrect word more and more often. I'd be thinking of "carrot", and start typing "conclude". The words don't even have any bearing with each other!
Tomorrow seems to be proving to be very busy. I may have to go straight to hockey after patrolling if people don't show up that night..