I found a way to automatically move the focus down to the comment form when the user presses the comment button.
It took me more than half an hour to chip off most of the ice from my car last night. The freezing rain plus the sudden temperature drop and moderate winds produced a type of ice that clung to the car like crazy glue and had the durability of steel. There was no way I could've scraped it off by myself with what little hand protection I had without having the car warm up.
Mind you, I was laughing at everybody else (those early leavers) who was stuck in the same situation earlier while I was inside our warm office. Luckilly for them, there were people around to help. Ah well!
Argh! I'm getting my UTC times and local times mixed up here. Hopefully I don't do anything dumb and screw up all of my log files..
I got a spoiler for Christmas from girl and Dangerman! Woot!