Whoa, I never realized that there are some interesting and strange names out there. (Mostly interesting, sometimes strange.) Anyhoo, it's the start of a great week weatherwise. Other aspects of the week I can't really predict, but we'll keep our fingers crossed. There's a long weekend coming up with Canada Day and all, but I don't have any plans and I'm not quite sure what I want to do.. (roller hockey's canceled, and I'm not sure if hop hop's on.) Hmm.. I guess I'll think of something.
Oh yeah, Laz and FlyingS both have stuff up. You many want to see what's been happening in their lives..
Hey, most of you won't care about this, but it's a pretty big shift in the processor world..
Heh, the link on ZDNet to the article I was talking about above is: Compaq takes on Intanium. So I'm not the only one making silly typos!
Eep, I could've sworn I put up this link. Well, it came out a while ago on ArsTechnica, and it's an interesting look at the physical limitation of computing power.
Ohh.. Guh. Ultimate. Ultimate was good. Get rid of the sun and it would've been a lot better! *groans* I think I was starting to suffer from heat stroke out there. A mix of intense exercise, lack of water (although I did have a popsicle) and jeans contributed to that prognosis. *looks at red forehead* I guess it's time to start putting on sunscreen.
Oh yeah, we won BTW. Our first non-default win! Whee!!
Well, the Japanese have one whoops, while the French have two.
On a completely different note, can you imagine Lara Croft as a lesbian? Jolie does. What do you girls think? (Although the question is directed towards girls who know who Lara Croft is.)
Finally, kaboom!
Oh yeah, Laz is feeling a little angry while KGL's got a weekend update.
Man, I must've really dehydrated myself today. I've been drinking water like a fish since I got home. *gurgles* Of course, that's not usually a good thing.
<- feels bloated.
HaremPresident sent over a link to an Iron Chef drinking game.
Oh yeah, it seems like weirDo is finally going to defend! My lord, the world is about to end! *looks out window* Well, maybe not today, but the defence is next Friday which just happens to be when the next CTRL-A show is..
(As Laz would say: Very, VERY peculiar!)