I forgot to mention that there was some sort of book selling fund raising thing downstairs in our building yesterday. I noticed them setting up when I came in. Unfortunately I completely forgot about it until I saw someone show me a Pooh book she picked up. By then it was too late. Doh! *smacks forehead*
Well, we got our first non-trivial snow fall last night. There was snow on the ground when I drove out and the tires slipped a bit. I guess I have to go a little easier on the throttle huh? I did slide around in the parking lot, but I wasn't even going that fast. I think I'll need snow tires..
Also, with the first snowfall, the lines have all but disappeared in the lot. People are parking in a semi-organized fashion, taking up more space than they normally would. On top of that, the covered parking was completely full. Curses! *shakes fist*
Oh yeah, girl sent Laz and I a job posting a few days ago.
I've got a bit of reading for later.
Ugh.. I don't think those instant noodles are agreeing with me. Well, there goes my experiments with instant noodle lunches!
The ninjastars are going to have a Secret Santa later this month.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention something. Yesterday, the weather report called for heavy snow and lots of flurries. I got up to clear blue skies and warm sunshine. Most of the day was like that too. *shrugs*