Hey, I was perusing through the ninjastars website, I came across some pictures I haven't seen before.
Hockey last night went a lot better than I had anticipated. I was really tired after ultimate so I didn't skate all that well. I ended up crashing into just about every player on the other team. Ugh. I took a puck off my knee too. *shows off bruise*
Ultimate this afternoon was okay. I played better than I usually do, but being the last game, I might as well go all out right? We didn't win though, but that's okay. At least I got to try some Bul Go Gee. Yummy! (I think I may have had it before though.)
Argh! In my slow process of converting the pages to XHTML, I've unvalidated the pages in HTML 4.01 STRICT. (It's those ending slashes for tags without ending tags.) Very annoying.
Most of the resources I've looked for converting from HTML to XHTML keep pointing me to a utility called Tidy. That's all cool and stuff, but I tried it out and it reformatted my pages! Unfortunately, since my scripts rely on a certain conformation of the code, it generally pukes when the files change that much. (Heck, this lower case conversion will probably play havoc with my scripts as well. *sigh*)
I did find a cool little Perl script that stated that it will convert upper case tags to lower case, but unfortunately, it only changes some tags, and not all attributes. So I had to write my own. It's fairly generic actually. Here's the regular expressions:
$html =~ s/(\n|\s)([\w|-]+)="/$1\L$2\E="/gsi;
$html =~ s/<(\\*\/*\w+[\n|\s|>])/<\L$1\E/gsi;
The first one cleans up the attributes, while the second works on the tags. Unfortunately, I make the assumption that there isn't any text that has =" in it.
I've got e-mail to respond to, so I hope this script doesn't make a mess of things..
<- presses "Enter".
Ugh. I knew I shouldn't have run that script at month end. Oh well, I think basic functions work. I'll have to see if I can get everything else working and validated. Not tonight though.
Argh! I completely forgot about the hard drive I was bidding on on e-bay! Crap. *checks status* Ooh, it's gone a little a little higher than I would've liked. Whew!