Woot! My POP at work was down for the past two weeks and I have been using the web mail feature as a workaround. Now I've got two hundred messages to cull again, but at least I don't have to open up another browser tab to check my mail..
Hey, I knew that working at one place for five years would pay off eventually. I get another week off! I have no idea when I'll be taking that week off though..
Heck, I don't really care. Three weeks just might be enough for a bike ride next summer..
I tried to get my hair cut again, and again the place was packed. It's just my luck I guess.
At least I got a nice ride out of it. The weather these past few days have been ideal for riding in my leather jacket. It's not to hot or humid, nor was it windy and the sun was out. Apparently this weekend will be more of the same, so I think I'll be putting some more kilometers on my bike..