At the rate that I'm getting later to come into work, it seems as if I'm shifting into another time zone, which is okay if my excuse was to get up when the sun was out, but that means I have to finish later than usual.
I was reading the manual for the car yesterday and came across a section on car accessories where listed in the numerous items was an ice scraper. Well, guess what happened this morning? Yup, the car was coated (on one side) with ice! It had caught me completely off guard since the car had nothing in it apart from garbage (which I have yet to clean out - I'm still airing it out) and some coins. Fortunately, one of the garbage items was a half-empty water bottle which I used to break up the ice and scrape it away. Time for an equipment run huh?
Oh yeah, I finished the "Goblet of Fire" last night. I started reading once I got back and couldn't seem to stop. That would explain my tardiness at work since I didn't finish until two-thirty. *hangs head* Hey, at least the series is getting more interesting (and more story arc oriented). Actually, all the books so far have been very much like "whodunits", and I reitterate my claim that the first book was basically a movie plot written in novel format. Maybe it's just me.
Hey.. nobody ever told me that there were two Christmas Islands! One is in the middle of the Pacific while the other one is in the Indian Ocean. I guess Madelaine was right after all.. *sulks*
Now all I have to figure out which one .cx belongs to. I think it's the one in the Indian Ocean..
Now that I've got a little breather (not having places to go to, or things to do, or books to read in the next half-hour) I've been cleaning up my room a bit. I came across a UW homecoming postcard and decided to check out the date for the event: Nov 2 to Nov 4. Doh! Well, I guess I won't be going this year.
Let's see what other things I've got buried here..
Thursday, November 29, 2001 at 19:42:56 (UTC)
I bought my ice scraper form Canadian Tire the other day. While I could have bought some fancy, ergonomically designed, titanium alloy thing, I settled on a nice wooden one for $1.22.
I started reading HP and the Philosopher's Stone about two weeks ago. For comparison, I'm about a third of the way through. Of course, I'm using Gran Turismo as my excuse, but I only got that last weekend... :P