Well, allof my plans for last night went out of the window. Well, maybe not all of them. I did go to badminton (and played poorly - funny how you can't do any coordinated activities when you're tired). Instead of going home to do stuff, I went out to the bar with several co-workers for an informal going-away drink. We listened to LY on the piano. Pretty good stuff, and apparently he was playing recent tunes, even though I only recognized one.
I had planned to stay out an hour or so, but ended up making it back home just in time to leave for badminton, so that meant that I ate dinner very late. *sigh* No sleep for me yet again. I really should try harder.. *nearly keels over*
Hmm.. I can't remember what else I wanted to talk about, but I heard something on the radio that I found.. uh.. interesting. Apparently, them folks at the university of Piza discovered that one way to cure an addiction to internet pornography was to watch it with a partner. *thinks* Well, we'll leave you folks to test that theory out.