Ah, I guess I forgot to mention that the server was down again all day. This was because of another kernel crash. I really do think I have some bad memory on that machine, but I need to find some time to take the computer apart to figure out which chip is causing the issue.
I think I went a little crazy searching for people on Facebook. Anyway, we're having some networking issues at the office and it is making work a tad bit difficult.
Also, MCC is leaving! Oh dear!
This is interesting. The kernel crashed again, but this time the web server is still functioning. It did prevent me from logging in however, so I am limited on what I can do..
I installed Firefox 2.0 this afternoon and have not noticed anything wrong with it yet. I'll keep hacking away with it though.
It seems like Firefox 2.0 does the same thing as Internet Explorer 7 when dealing with feeds: It uses it's own style by default.
My laptop died when I got home. I wanted to get some files off of it to work on, but the machine gave an error and hung while it was doing a disk check. Unfortunately, rebooting the computer left the hard drive in a corrupted state, so I was unable to restart the machine.
Fortunately, I was able to find a program called Bart's Preinstalled Environment that would allow me to create a bootable CD. It is taking a long time to fix the hard drive though.
Hey, I noticed that the amount of space I have available on my Picasa account has increased by ten fold! In addition, you can select the size of the thumbnail that you wish to display on your website. This is much better!