Wow, there are so few cars in the lot today. I think six of them belong to our office. Kind of scary huh?
Actually, with yesterday feeling like a Sunday, it felt like a Monday today. Man, that's two Mondays this week!
So it's pretty empty at the office, but not exactly quiet. Apparently there are people working elsewhere on this planet so I have to keep the phones manned and keep our clients happy. *sigh*
Yup, it definitely looks bad and tastes strong. Hoo hey! Whoa. I wanted to try this stuff out just to see how bad it really was. It was like swallowing liquid tiger balm or vaporub. I could feel the heat escaping from my ears! Whew!
What the.. and I didn't even get to the second tablespoon. The moment I opened the cap, I realized that I was in for a ride because I could smell the vapour and see that the liquid was a milky beige colour. It's definitely not the same as those flourescent greens and purples I'm used to with the other cough syrups. As I poured some of the mixture into a spoon, all I could think of was: "This looks like snot mixed with spittle." I stood there for a few minutes wondering when I'd shove this thing down my throat before I finally stuffed the spoon into my mouth. Boy is that stuff strong. It's not as painful as wasabi, but wasabi tastes better.
I'm still coughing a bit. Let's see if it's an improvement over before.
Oh yeah, I should go get some hockey pants today. I doubt there would be anyone left at the office by the time I turn in at five.