I got a couple of links related to "Bowling for Columbine" from girl. Here's the pro, and here's the con.
Well, here we go back to our normal work week. Man, it doesn't feel like much has changed, apart from the fact that there's now a lot more snow on the ground and the office looks more busy.
Oh yeah, badminton and broomball should be starting up again. I guess no more nights off for me..
I've been trolling on the ShackNews for a bit since I've fallen behind on news. I came across this bit on sonic booms and chickens, an article on China's one man space race. Finally, isn't this Cruithne? (I mentioned it a while ago.)
If I had read the article more closely, I would've noticed that the name of the asteroid was 2002 AA29, and was discovered in October. You can find more information on it here.
I got a strange call tonight. I couldn't recognize the voice at the other end that well since it was staticy and there was a lot of background noise, but it went something like this:
Skinny Pig: Hey, do you have a VCR that's free?
QYV: Uhh.. yeah..
Skinny Pig: Do you have a TV that's free?
QYV: Uhh.. yeah..
Skinny Pig: Can you do me a BIG favour and tape "Joe Millionaire" for me?
QYV: *blink* What?!? You WATCH that show?!?
Well, I ended up taping the show, but since I had badminton tonight, I had to leave it to the parental units to do the tape transfer. Who the heck actually watches it? *looks for ratings*
Oh, I got my racquets strung and I tried out my new racquet. It's not too shabby, but it threw me off my game. Mind you, I wasn't really into my game since I couldn't hit the bird even with my normal racquet so it might be more of a problem to what's attached to the racquet..
In my search for synthetic sapphires, I came across this interesting page. Too bad I don't have my own furnace.
Monday, January 06, 2003 at 10:50:11 (UTC)
I thought you wanted to get to bed early! *hands on hips*
Lazarius <e-mail>
Monday, January 06, 2003 at 15:06:52 (UTC)
I had a craving for a hot chocolate and that kept me up a couple of hours. *sighs*