I went out to dim sum with girl and Dangerman. After a little bit of a meeting fiasco, we had lunch, and then girl took me out to get some gel and conditioner. I had no idea what to get, so she picked a couple and asked me if I liked the smell. She eventually picked one and handed it to me. Afterward, we headed to Future Shop where Dangerman had to pick up a router, and I bumped into a co-worker. I had forgotten his name! Argh!
Later on, we went by N's place to pick up more gel and conditioner. N wasn't in so we had this old man choose a gel for us. It was suggested that I try it on before we buy it, so I sat down and he put some gel in my palm.
I looked at the dollop and wondered what I was supposed to do with it. So I smushed it in my hands and put some in my hair. Let's just say that I wasn't applying it correctly. After several minutes of coaching, I think I figured out the art of gelling one's hair.
Actually I haven't, but it's time I learned I guess?
Tuesday, November 16, 2004 at 19:51:08 (UTC)
So?? have you tried the gel?
Wednesday, November 17, 2004 at 00:03:41 (UTC)
Well, people have been asking me if I got a hair cut recently, so the answer would be "yes" (for the gel).