Today is the time to remember and reflect, to share our regrets, to celebrate our triumphs, to learn from our mistakes, and hope for a better future.
Personally, I think a little food is in order.
Can anyone tell me if Newfoundland Island goes ahead one or two hours during Daylight Savings Time?
I'm just testing out my new web updating thing. Hopefully things will work out. (I added in a little algorithm to calculate times based on time zone.)
Okay, let's see how this goes..
<- presses button.
Just testing out this script again. It's so funky!
Mind you, I ended up erasing my last entry with a simple press of the ESC key (to used to vim). Curses!
Anyway, I'll make my previous short story even shorter. I called up someone today, and the person on the other end of the phone told me,
"[This person] is in the hospital."
What?!? Well, that's about it, I'm going to check out what's going on now.
Not too much to report.
I went to the hospital and stayed there for a while, taking pictures and such. We even happened to have an extra "thank you" card which we turned into a "thank you for not dying" card. We also got a worm as a present (it looked more like part of a colon, but hey).
Afterward, we were supposed to go out with a bunch of girl's friends, but that fell through, although we didn't know that until after it fell through. Instead, I ended up showing some "Kare Kano" to girl. I think she was moderately impressed.
I just wonder if I've hooked her or not.. *makes fishing sounds*