I would've written up an entry six hours ago if it wasn't for the fact that our network connection just happened to want to die at that point. I have no idea what's happening down in cable modem land, but it's awfully annoying.
Oh, so why was I pulling a KGL? Well, I was playing Railroad Tycoon 2 last night (it's a fun game actually), and the next thing I knew, it was already half-past three. Oops. I decided at that point to check my mail, and I ended up talking with someone for the next hour-and-a-half.. So now you know.
Okay, is this just me, or is there something wrong with this that I found on the ShackNews? Are hospitals down there going to force parents to sign some sort of waiver to keep the child if there's a chance that the child might be born with defects?
The network went down again just as I was submitting my last entry. (Fortunately, it was still saved here so I didn't lose it. It's just several hours late.) Piss me off!
Yes, it seems as if they've changed my IP address again. After a couple of months of having a quasi-static IP, my IP's been changed something like once per day for the past few days! (I'm glad I didn't register a domain name yet.. BEGghILOS2.ath.cx doesn't count.
Further, KGL's got an update up (which was also something I wanted to check last night but never got around to doing - stupid connection).
When I was a kid, I always dreamt of having a very powerful computer with a number of huge monitors and a desk like this one.
I'm trying out a new journal layout that would reduce some of the navigational bloat that's been bothering me ever since I threw in the second nav bar. What do you guys think? Yea? Nay?